A says:
So when you were younger, what was some of your favorite things to do? Like a fun activity that you liked to do when you were younger?
B says:
Like what?
A says:
What was something that you liked to do for fun when you were younger?
B says:
Oh, made for fun things. Yes.
C says:
B says:
You know, that I like to do young things that would apply to young, younger people and that sort of thing.
A says:
But did you like to crochet or knit?
B says:
C says:
A says:
Did you like to do crocheting?
B says:
No, not really. Not in full, full fence. If it's just little by little, I didn't mind them, but when it's big thing, I didn't want to have a whole thing working out for you.
C says:
B says:
So that was quite difficult to choose that sort of thing. So there's not going to be too nuisance and not probably something that people give to kids.
C says:
Yeah, yeah.
B says:
There might be something like that. That's borderline. Should your child do this or should a child do that? No, I don't think so.
A says:
Did you have a different thing that you like to do with your friends? Was there something you like to do with your friends?
B says:
No, not really. I didn't. I don't remember all those things that I used to do, I didn't like to do, but I liked them when they grew up a little bit and able to do things, the kids. Yeah. But like today, now there's a bash, there's a place where no teachers really want the kids to go through that.
C says:
B says:
You know, if they give them something to do that's a bit difficult, they like to be able to shown how to do it and then they know they not sort of flourishing around not knowing quite what is the right thing to do for them.
A says:
Did you have somebody that taught you things?
B says:
No, I didn't really. My teachers were very lonely. These teachers are not. Definitely not teachers. When I was a little girl, you know, somebody a little bit lighter than I and the teacher explained everything in detail and then got the child to try and copy it. But nobody like these people, they don't teach you how to do things, people, they don't show you what to do or how to do it.
A says:
So you want someone to show you.
B says:
How to do things to explain something to me.
C says:
B says:
That when I was a little girl, find out how is the best way to do it, then you can try and do it.
C says:
B says:
And other times they don't tell you what to do. They just say, this is black or something else like that. And that. I didn't think that was teaching a child to do work some themselves.