Revisiting Old Churches and Cherished Memories

The speakers discuss their experiences and memories of attending various churches, reminiscing about the community and friendships formed over the years, and how these have shaped their current choices and feelings towards their places of worship.

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A says:
So this morning we're going to be going to church, aren't we? Yes, in a little while and I don't really know the church that we.
B says:
Go to, but it will be Arbor Oaks.
A says:
Arbour Oaks. Okay.
B says:
This one's the nearest here. Yeah, that's ones we used to go to, but now we go to that sort of far away one because they've got more people going there than when we all went there. But it was a nice little church that we used to. But we are grateful for any church that we can go to to hear the word of God throughout the year.
A says:
Yeah. Is this the one that Dave and Lorraine go to, do you think? We saw Dave and Lorraine yesterday for a short while, didn't we? Yes, it was very nice.
B says:
They were such nice people, the people that go there now, and so we don't see them very much. But I've got to go where I'm taken. I can't say I want to go to that. We've got to trust the Lord to take us somewhere where I'll be happy and contented.
A says:
I'm sure it's very nice. I'm looking forward to going and seeing all the different people there and maybe saying.
B says:
Very much like the church that we. Way back in Africa.
A says:
B says:
They were just very nice people that we can just wanted to have him nearby all the time. They were wonderful people.
A says:
They were good friends.
B says:
Yes. And I liked going to them because they were always helpful and nice and with my dear mother that was ill, they always ruined her until, you know, she was able to be a great help to her.
A says:
So when, when you lived in Cape Town, did you go to a church there?
B says:
It's not as nice as we went from.
A says:
Charles river.
B says:
Yes. And then we all went to church.
A says:
B says:
And then when we went to Cape Town, they were nice, but not as river. Yeah.
A says:
I didn't know that you went to a church in Taos river. So what was the church like in.
B says:
Tows river, very young, very nice, very friendly. They just took everybody under their wings and made them feel welcome. Whereas Cape Town was a bit far.
A says:
Away, I guess it was bigger, wasn't it? Because Towers river was a very little.
B says:
Place, but the little place in the men and made 101 different things to help.
A says:
So when you went to the church, did you walk to the church when you went to church?
B says:
A says:
Because you didn't have a car, did you? Because Grandpa was. Your dad was a train driver?
B says:
A says:
So you didn't have a.
B says:
He came one day and he went way back the next. And they, they were all so friendly. And those two people that we saw.
A says:
Today were Una, Dave and Lorraine.
B says:
Dave and Lorraine. They went to the same church as us.
A says:
I remember that. That was the one in Africa, wasn't it? Dave and Lorraine went to the one in Africa.
B says:
They were always there and they were great. They knew each other and they just wanted to see each other every day.
A says:
Very friendly, caring for each other.
B says:
Everybody caring for each other. But when they got the bigger they got, the smaller they became.
A says:
Yeah. Sometimes. Yes. When, sometimes when things get very big, it's harder. Strangely enough, it's harder to know people when it's smaller. Mall. You get to know everybody, don't you?
B says:
Yeah. The ones that went far away, we were still friends. Live with them.